Concerned about the rate of development in Warkworth, and Council’s delay to start planning for growth, a group of locals has prepared a proposal on the potential use of land in future urban areas.
The proposal is intended to generate community thought, discussion and feedback to inform a community-led spatial plan, which will be submitted to Council so it can be used for detailed structure planning and future zone changes.
The proposal aims to speed up the whole process, which is vitally important if Warkworth has any hope of developing in a coordinated way.
Based on what is known about the area from the Unitary Plan’s land-use rules and what key agencies like NZTA, Auckland Transport and the Ministry of Education are currently planning, the group’s proposal considers:
routes for arterial roads, cycleways, walkways and greenway trails
broad areas for residential, open space, and industrial land use
general locations for core community facilities e.g. schools and active recreational areas
general locations for future commercial centres
the interrelationships between all the above
The group of nine came together to pool their knowledge of the local area and their expertise in town planning, engineering, and development to consider how Warkworth can reach its fullest potential.
It has involved meeting with Council officers, elected members and various agencies, as well as attending meetings with the community forum, which is looking at plans for the town centre and riverbank.
Any community groups or organisations that would like a presentation about the proposal can request via email to
Consultation will run until midnight Sunday, 6 August 2017.
The spatial plan is a high-level, non-statutory planning document that aims to provide a framework to guide future planning and development decisions in a manner that is supported by our community.
Group members have made a commitment that this exercise has been undertaken in utmost good faith and in a holistic manner, for the betterment of the community at large and not to directly or indirectly benefit any vested interests including those of clients.